And the 30 startups chosen for the Free Electrons Bootcamp are…
After evaluating hundreds of startups the utilities have reached a verdict. The 30 startups coming to the Free Electrons bootcamp next week (from 3-6 April) in Lisbon, are chosen and now it’s time to reveal them to the world.
Among the 30 there are startups from different countries and focused on different areas. Both the United States and Germany have 5 startups each; Australia and France have 3 startups each and Portugal and the United Kingdom have 2 each. The countries represented by one startup are: Bangladesh, China, Greece, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland the United Arab Emirates. The areas in which they’re focused on are: IoT digitization (30%), Smart Grids (27%), Clean Energy (13%) and Energy Management (10%).
Florian Kolb, Managing Director at innogy New Ventures said that “we are very pleased with this final list, since it represents the great diversity we found in this applications process. It is not easy to pick and choose from 515 different applications, but we had solid debates and discussions, and narrow the list down to this 30. I believe that speaks to the overall quality of the candidates, and that is critical, as we are looking for innovative solutions, that can be adopted and integrated in our companies, and help shape the future of the energy sector”.
The Free Electrons utility members are AusNet Services (Australia), DEWA (Dubai), EDP (Portugal), ESB (Ireland), Innogy (Germany), Origin Energy (Australia), SP Group (Singapore) and Tokyo Electric Power Company (Japan), with also the participation of American Electric Power (USA). The program is supported by Beta-i (Portugal).
The 30 startups are:
Adaptricity (Switzerland – Smart Grids)
Chakratec (Israel – E-mobility)
Cleverciti Systems GmbH (Germany – IoT & Digitization)
ElectrIQ Power, Inc. (USA – Energy Management)
EQuota Energy (China – Smart Grids)
Fresh Energy (Germany – Customer Solutions)
Greenbird Integration Technology (Norway – IoT & Digitization)
GreenPocket (Germany – Energy Management)
GridCure (USA – Smart Grids)
GridWatch MAC Ltd (Ireland – Smart Grids)
Howz (UK – Business Model Innovation)
Hygge Power (USA – Energy Efficiency)
Jungle.ai (Portugal – IoT & Digitization)
Kisensum, Inc. (USA – Smart Grids)
Loqr (Portugal – IoT & Digitization)
Lumenaza (Germany – Energy Management)
Manetos Labs AB (Sweden – IoT & Digitization)
MEAZON (Greece – IoT & Digitization)
Nnergix (Spain – Smart Grids)
Orison (USA – Smart Grids)
RayGen Resources (Australia – Clean Energy)
Relectrify (Australia – Clean Energy)
Smart IoT (United Arab Emirates – IoT & Digitization)
SmartGreenCharge (France – Clean Energy)
SOLshare Ltd. (Bangladesh – Smart Grids)
Spark Horizon (France – E-mobility)
Sterblue (France – Energy Efficiency)
Verv Energy (UK – IoT & Digitization)
VoltStorage (Germany – Clean Energy)
Wattwatchers (Australia – IoT & Digitization)
Good luck to all 30 startups. May the energy be with you!